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How to dress the kids for Christmas and New Year's Eve?

How to dress the kids for Christmas and New Year's Eve?

All year long we look forward to the arrival of December, especially if we are Christmas fanatics. There is an atmosphere of love, peace, and good intentions in the air as soon as the holiday season begins. And if you are one of those people who also love decorations, you are sure to pay special attention to Christmas and New Year's Eve outfits.


There's something magical about the details of a beautiful outfit in family photographs.


If you are already thinking about the possible outfits for these two special dates, we have some tips for you that will help you make the best decision for you and your little ones to look spectacular and feel comfortable.


Prefer the comfortable


We know it's a special date and you want the kids to feel like a magazine, but remember that this can be achieved without sacrificing comfort. There are options in fabrics like cotton that are flexible and breathable, which is especially important for children under 5 years old.


Choose a range of colors


There's nothing lovelier than watching little ones in matching outfits, but instead of choosing the same outfit for everyone, you can choose a couple of shades within the same color palette so that each one stands out in its own way. Pay attention to the background of your photographs, for example, if your Christmas pine tree has red decorations, it is possible that a red outfit will blend in with the background and not stand out. Look for soft contrasting colors.


Dress them in layers


If the cold is a concern for you on New Year's Eve, we recommend bundling your little one up with a couple of layers, a cotton t-shirt, a sweater, and a coat. That way in case she spends the night running around with friends or family you can remove the coat and still have a couple of warm layers left.


Consider the activities


Maybe for New Year's Eve you want to dress them in an elegant way because it will be a formal dinner and they will take beautiful family pictures, but if on Christmas Day you only plan to visit family or spend it at home comfortably, you can choose an outfit that is extra comfortable and keeps them warm, they will probably want to spend the day in pajamas, which is an excellent option for them to open gifts and spend time with the family.

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