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Typical mistakes we make when traveling by car

Typical mistakes we make when traveling by car

Traveling by car, either to transport the little ones for a short trip or when traveling from one city to another on weekends or vacations, is often an odyssey for parents. While the baby is small, he only wants to be held in his arms and when he grows up he hates to be tied to the car seat because he wants to discover everything around him. Whether the trip is short or long, there are some mistakes that parents make either by haste or lack of information, and then we'll tell you what they are.


- Carrying the little one in your arms.


The scenario is known, it's time to leave home and the little one does not want to stay in the car seat, soon the crying and frustration comes. It is common to think that if we only go a few blocks away nothing will happen, so we take the little one and carry him in our arms. This is not only a typical mistake, but a fatal one, accidents do not wait for you to travel a certain number of kilometers, they happen at any time.


- Not reading the car seat instructions.


It is a car seat, how difficult is it to adjust it to the car? All you have to do is to put the seat belt through a couple of places and that's it. Actually, there are more instructions to follow for the car seat to work properly and fulfill its function. The position of the seat, the way it is adjusted, the positions, the weight, height and age of the child, among other aspects are vital. 


- Food intake during the trip.


An especially important point when we talk about long trips is possible that your little one gets hungry at some point and you are tempted to give food during the trip while in the car seat. Some foods will be less risky than others, but the best option is to stop and get out of the car seat to eat. Imagine that during a road trip your little one chokes on a food, you are unable to pull over for as many miles, and space to maneuver is limited, this scenario could be fatal.


- Carrying a child in the front seat.


For many children it is interesting to ride in the front seat, it gives them a sense of adulthood, they can observe the whole picture and even change songs. However, before giving the seat to a child we must make sure that he/she meets the necessary parameters, he/she must be older than 12 years old with a height over 1.35 cm, and also wear a suitable child restraint system.

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