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Education as part of the intellectual development of the child and adolescent in general terms could be said to encompass the cognitive part, the potential of our little ones goes beyond knowledge and homework. Over time it has been discovered that... Leer Mas
If you have ever heard a woman who has just given birth talk about the changes in her body and life, or have experienced it yourself, you have probably heard or felt that after giving birth, memory often fails more frequently. Many women report that... Leer Mas
It is very common for babies to have problems passing stools, and although it is usually dismissed as a simple intestinal constipation and home remedies are used to solve the problem, the truth is that there is another reason that may be behind the... Leer Mas
Being the only adult in charge of a child is a challenge that few are prepared for, but many are forced to face, with all the difficulties involved, often totally transforming the life of the mother or father. While the happiness and satisfaction... Leer Mas
Having school-age children can sometimes be a relentless battle, where as parents, that children do well in school can become a complicated task, because it is a constant dilemma between the responsibility and discipline you want to instill in them, and... Leer Mas
My baby has a rash Parenting is a job that no one is fully prepared for, and even if you've had children before, there are always new surprises along the way, so there's never a shortage of worries. One such common concern is rashes, those... Leer Mas
The sling, also called baby carrier or kangaroo, is a tool that is becoming more and more common among mothers of newborns, due to its great comfort, as well as the benefits there are for your baby. But despite all the advantages of using a sling, your... Leer Mas
Your baby's room is one of the most important spaces for him or her, where he or she will begin to develop their skills, to grow and stimulate their senses, so the decoration , the way you structure this room, is of utmost importance for the full... Leer Mas
Different customs are passed down from generation to generation without much questioning, and this is also true for the care and hygiene of the objects we use to feed our babies, such as bottles and nipples. Much is said about what to do in terms of... Leer Mas
In most cases, it is preferable for babies to be nourished through their mother's breast, but not all mothers can afford to breastfeed their babies, so bottle feeding is the only option. Maybe you made the decision early on to bottle feed your... Leer Mas
If your baby is developing his or her spoken language skills, you may have noticed occasional or constant stuttering, and naturally, you have concerns about it, since stuttering can become a speech disorder if it continues into adulthood. The... Leer Mas
So tiny, so helpless, so tender... Surely you have ever wanted to know what is going on in your baby's head when he or she gesticulates or makes an involuntary expression or movement, when you find him or her looking at a fixed point or at his or her hands... Leer Mas
Discipline and good behavior of the little ones are just some of the issues that concern parents, we often wonder if we are being strict or irrational, if we are cutting their freedoms too much or if on the contrary our child needs a little more character.... Leer Mas
You are probably wondering what are the characteristics of Generation Z, their interests, what occupies them and how to connect with your child if they are part of this generation born in the late 1990s - early 2000s. Teenagers or young adults, facing... Leer Mas
Nutrition and good nutrition of the little ones is a topic that occupies parents since we started to include complementary feeding, the need to provide them with the best nutrients and the healthiest options becomes a daily matter and sometimes when we... Leer Mas
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