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How can I stimulate my child's emotional intelligence?

How can I stimulate my child's emotional intelligence?

As important as it is to take care of the physical health of our children, it is also important to take care of their emotional health, so it is very important to teach them to develop what is now known as emotional intelligence which is nothing more than a series of tools that will help them to handle adverse situations or make the right decisions.

We notice independence in children more frequently from an early age, when decisions such as what to wear, what to play, what to eat, etc., become more and more difficult to impose. It is increasingly difficult to impose something to a small, it seems that most children are strong-willed.

Taking advantage of this independence and these skills we can give you some tips for you to learn how to stimulate emotional intelligence in your children, this way you will be protecting the emotional health of your little ones. Read on and find out what you need to teach.

Why is emotional intelligence important?

The term emotional intelligence has been used for more than three decades, but it has become popular in recent years, with the rise of technology and social networks, more and more professionals are providing important information.

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to control and regulate one's emotions in order to solve problems peacefully, obtaining well-being for oneself and others", according to Peter Salovey and John Mayte back in the 90s.

Necessary requirements to develop emotional intelligence.

Some components are highly necessary to exercise emotional intelligence and here we mention them to keep in mind:

  • Recognizing oneself: the knowledge of one's own emotions could be said to be the key, knowing what my emotions are helps us to define what I feel and what my needs are from the recognition of my emotions and feelings.
  • Emotion management: once I recognize my emotions it is important to teach the child what to do with them, learning to self-regulate frees us from some overwhelming feelings such as anxiety or excessive anger.
  • Impulse control: knowing how to wait for results is one of the things that cost children the most, teaching them to be patient and wait for the rewards or consequences of their behaviors helps them to meet their goals and be satisfied with their results.
  • Being empathetic: just as we recognize our emotions, it is important to teach children to stop and recognize the emotions of others, from there they acquire skills to establish solid social relationships and secure personal bonds.
  • Relationship management: it is very accurate if we teach our children to know how to act in accordance with the emotions of others, teaching them to set limits, practice empathy and above all to respect the emotions and limits that others put, will help them determine their leadership personality.

Remember that the best way to teach something is through example, what if we start being emotionally intelligent, and from us our little ones can achieve the development and management of this type of intelligence so necessary in this accelerated time we live in.

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