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How can I encourage my child to eat fruits and vegetables?

How can I encourage my child to eat fruits and vegetables?

Many times we ask ourselves how do some parents make sure that their children do not have problems when eating? Beyond this, the question arises: How can I get my children to eat fruits and vegetables?

The answer is simple, a child will imitate the eating behaviors of his parents, so it would be appropriate to say that a child eats what he usually observes his immediate companions eating, which would be parents, family and friends who frequent his home.

It all starts very early.

Around six months of age is the indicated time in which a child can start with complementary feeding, that is to say, continue with breastfeeding and complement with some foods to introduce in his diet what will be his complete foods in the future.

Experts have recommended the ways in which the infant should consume these foods, the amounts and it is even recommended to gradually experiment with textures, porridges, smoothies, pieces, in short. The important thing is to start.

This is the ideal time to start promoting fruits and vegetables in our children's diets, and we can vary by making their dishes more nutritious, more attractive and of course more delicious.

Some tips to get started.

There are some ways in which we can support us to encourage our kids to eat fruits and vegetables, and in some cases it will be more difficult than in others since some children are somewhat crafty when it comes to experimenting with new flavors, so pay attention.

ü   As we mentioned at the beginning, they will naturally imitate what they naturally observe from you, so if you only serve fried foods, junk food or sweets at home, don't expect your kids to eat vegetables just because they went to your in-laws' house for dinner.

ü  Try to keep washed and chopped fruits within reach of your kids so that, when it's time for a snack, a sweet craving or something similar, your first option is to offer them fruits.

ü   Don't force them. The worst way to get them to eat fruits and vegetables is to force them to eat them, they have to find it attractive, enjoy the food, if you force them you will scare them away.

ü  Encourage family meals, even if it is difficult to have everyone at the table together because of studies or work, try at least to share one meal a day, where your kids can become familiar with other members who will eat the same food as them.

ü  You can involve the little ones in the shopping process, put the food away when you come from the supermarket, or while you prepare them you can ask them to help you, this will positively enhance their taste for fruits and vegetables.

ü  Finally try different recipes, what does not work for you in a traditional way you can achieve it in another way, there are plenty of recipes to offer the dishes with vegetables, and you can try to decorate with the same fruits to make it fun while they eat.

Don't give up, loving your kids is always giving them the best and nothing like having the conviction that they are growing healthy and strong while they are eating healthy, healthy and receiving all the vitamins they need at their age.

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