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Extracurricular classes and their benefits

Extracurricular classes and their benefits

Education as part of the intellectual development of the child and adolescent in general terms could be said to encompass the cognitive part, the potential of our little ones goes beyond knowledge and homework.

Over time it has been discovered that having extracurricular activities broadens our children's vision, not only because it keeps them busy during free time, but also because it allows them to explore their abilities.

The benefits that are acquired through these activities are unimaginable, strengthening the developing personality of our children, giving them tools to develop other areas of their lives that will be important in their future.

More and more parents are approving extracurricular classes.

Understanding that our children deserve to fully develop not only their cognitive abilities, but also their physical, artistic and manual skills. Many parents are interested in motivating their children to have extracurricular classes.

Let's start by defining the term, which is becoming more and more known. It is all those activities outside school hours, which allow the child to develop other areas in which he/she feels comfortable, happy and adapts easily.

These classes can never replace the academic education of our children, it would be a crime to only focus the child in this type of activities and put aside the education to which they have a legitimate right.

How can we help our children?

Remember that it is not only about them being in one or two or even three activities, we can not saturate them with activities, but we can not put them in any activity and less if it is to fulfill our frustrated dreams.

For example, you can't force your children to be professional swimmers and Olympic medalists if that's not what they like, just because you didn't make it (sign up for swimming and let your child take his or her own course).

Having the right extracurricular activity requires attention and other factors that we're going to mention for you to consider as you set your little angel on the path to what could become her life's passion.

Take note and get started

1.Tastes and skills are fundamental.

As I said, it's not about what I like, it's about what my little one likes, children from very early on show their tastes and preferences, that's why observation is very important.

2. Maintain activities that your pocket can sustain.

You have to adjust to the reality of what you live, as an old adage says "everyone tucks in as far as the blanket reaches", if you have more than one child, and all need extracurricular activities do not choose a hobby that will leave you broke.

3.Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Remember that when starting a new activity you need to teach constancy, discipline and above all responsibility, you must evaluate if this activity fits your schedule, if you can fulfill your responsibility to accompany in the process of adaptation and above all be constant.

4.Prepare the time to see results.

If your child does not have the required stimulus, it is better to have an early evaluation to decide what to do so as not to frustrate your child's intentions to learn and develop.

Always remember, it is about your children and their well-being, not your ideals and dreams, supporting them, guiding them and above all accompanying them in every step is fundamental since in these activities it is achieved:

Increase your child's self-esteem.

Develop their skills.

Explore an unknown world that can become the rest of their life.

Discussing this topic as a family is a good initiative to encourage communication and develop children who have the ability to develop in all areas of their lives.

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