Why do children grow up to lose their appetite?

Why do children grow up to lose their appetite?

Appetite in children may decrease at school age, eating only small amounts and with little regularity. This usually happens at the age of 2 to 3 years, the cause is because at this age their growth is slower, making their nutritional needs less.

The changes they present are usually very noticeable, since they begin to recognize their taste for some foods by varying their preferences, they can change as they try new flavors, stopping eating foods they ate regularly, for others that perhaps they did not feel like before , making them your favorite dishes.

It is very common for children at times to reject food, and to refuse to eat it with words such as “I don't want”, “I don't like it” or throwing tantrums, therefore, it is best not to force them to eat something they do not want , since this will only cause the child not to want to eat these foods again.

You must have a lot of patience to get them to acquire healthy habits and to respect meal times at home, so they must implement strategies so that eating time is pleasant and enjoyable.

What should I do?

-Have exact times to sit them down to eat as well as to finish, always with behavioral rules, this discipline will allow the child to adapt little by little to the eating schedules.

-It must be understood as parents, that the appetite that children present is adequate to satisfy their bodily needs, also understanding that what nourishes more is not always a larger portion, that is why they must be served in precise quantities according to the appetite. One option is to serve little to give them the possibility to ask for more if they want it and thus not be forcing them to eat more than they require.


-As tastes are variable, those things that they do not like to eat must be respected in their initial stage, for now, it is not necessary to feed them everything as an adult, since their digestive system is adapting to the different components food.

-The autonomy they have been acquiring should be taken advantage of to let them eat alone, it will stimulate their senses and increase the recognition of new textures relating them to their colors and flavors, a great experience that will stimulate and motivate them more and more to eat what they are he serves them.

-The rules must always be clear, they must be in one place while they eat, the fact that they are running around the house must be avoided, meal times are at the table together with their family.

-Although the menu can be adapted according to the tastes they are acquiring, it should not be changed in any way before the child's rejection of the food served, if they want to receive the food, the plate is removed in a calm way, without punishing them, only Leaving him without any food until the next meal, so he will sit with more courage and want to eat, understanding the importance of eating what is served at the right times.

- Allowing them to express that they do not like something is part of the formation of their personality, parents should not lose their calm, but with soft words they should be explained that it is important to eat.

-Being considerate, talking to them calmly but firmly, will be the best way to achieve habits in the little ones, with optimal results based on respect, on valuing a little more what they have and what mom and dad do for them .

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