Seasons and holidays

With the arrival of the Fall / Winter season come the climatic changes, the days become colder and its duration is shortened, the wind takes over the environment and therefore we must prepare to make some changes and adapt to the season. As... Leer Mas
This party is a celebration of life, a celebration that announces the proximity of the birth of a new member of the family, and both family and friends gather to entertain the baby and give the mother different items or elements that will be of great help... Leer Mas
When we talk about summer, we automatically associate it with days at the pool, beach, barbecues, walks, excursions or simply a relaxing day enjoying the outdoors, but all this is accompanied by the annoying mosquitoes that can become very annoying in... Leer Mas
  If you like swimming, you may consider taking your infant to the pool. Swimming has several advantages, but is it safe for babies? Or is it possible to teach a baby to swim?   In this article, we’ll explain when newborns can swim, how to... Leer Mas
The sun is shining, the waves are crashing, and the sand is calling. A beach vacation is a must-do throughout the summer. But will you bring your baby to the beach safely? Since even the one-and-under crowd needs a break from time to time. If you've... Leer Mas
Spending part of the pregnancy during the winter is something that will happen, since the nine months of gestation partly cover the different seasons of the year, the advantages of modern mothers is that they can already plan at what time of the year they... Leer Mas
And why not? It is a time when we can also go out with our baby for a good walk! It can bring great benefits for both you and your little one. Dare to feel that sunbeam that comes from time to time and do not worry about the wind, for that we have the... Leer Mas
Christmas is almost here and everything is dressed in light and color, the excitement of sharing with family and singing Christmas carols is something that is expected with great enthusiasm. Advent, as the meaning of the arrival of Christmas, is the... Leer Mas
In this time, children tend to be more sensitive to the sun's rays and therefore to ultraviolet radiation. The protection against exposure becomes necessary and even mandatory for the care of ultra violet radiation A and B, the sun produces redness and a... Leer Mas
Spring, one of the best times to share with the family, due to its cool and pleasant climate, usually falls very well especially to babies. Pediatricians recommend sunlight, because they stimulate the body of children to the production of endorphin that... Leer Mas
We really wanted to write this post and tell you all about one of our coolest products of this season. For a long time we wanted to design an article that had everything we liked about the winter and we did it! Thinking that the summer was going to end, we... Leer Mas
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