How to prevent the baby from panicking

How to prevent the baby from panicking


When the baby is born, it is logical to be frightened or present frights, when the baby leaves the body of the mother, does not yet perceive the space in which it is generating a feeling of insecurity, falling, discomfort and discomfort.
It is normal for him to be disturbed by the light and the sounds he perceives, his skin exposed to new textures, feeling of hunger and lack of protection, causes the child to jump over immediately.
This type of over jumps and new sensations remain in them until 3 months of age, which is what it takes to adapt to their new habitat, that is why the importance of taking care of them with delicacy and protecting their environment, trying to make it the quietest for them.
Some factors should be considered as help for these cases:
When you pick it up and leave it in your stroller or car seat, do it with gentle movements, because if it is done quickly, it can cause feelings of emptiness, generating fear. The use of a universal antiallergic reducer is recommended, so that the head and body of the baby is well restrained before any movement, protecting them from any injury.
In the first 3 months milk intake should be given only those who ask, to avoid anxiety, as it grows little by little it will get used to specific times and that are less overwhelming for the mother.
Strong changes of light should be avoided, changing it from a dark room to one that has a lot of light, it will scare you, it is better to adjust the light levels so that you can assimilate them, taking into account that the vision of the children is not yet well developed, they will be uncomfortable flashes that will not assimilate.
Be careful with sudden changes in temperature, as these can affect the baby's health, as well as loud sounds, such as television or loud music.
It must be taken into account that while the babies enter their adaptation stage they must take refuge in the mother's arms, they generate an encouraging and calm effect, counteracting the effects of gravity to those who are more sensitive.
This does not mean that it should be charged all the time and at all times, but it is a stage where you need a lot of mom and feel protected. All the affection that can be given to them will be of great benefit for their emotional and physical development. It is normal that when you want to leave it in the crib or in bed, open your arms and legs to avoid falling, this is called Moro Reflection.

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