How to teach your little one to bathe himself?

How to teach your little one to bathe himself?

Undoubtedly bath time is an opportunity where bonding between parents and babies is strengthened, because it is an intimate moment where in addition to playing with water and soap, we can teach our little ones what are the parts of their body and indicate which areas should be respected and should not be touched by anyone.

But it is also important to recognize that it is a moment where a great part of their identity is formed, however, it is significant for the development of their autonomy and independence that as parents we teach our little ones to bathe themselves and that they learn the value and importance of good hygiene.

Why is it important to teach them to bathe themselves?

Childhood is a learning stage where children form habits, acquire knowledge, abilities and develop skills. It is essential to teach our children to be autonomous, this will teach them to have responsibilities.

Habits will help them to perform in any area of their life and are part of a responsible upbringing.

Tips to teach your little one to bathe himself.

  1.     Establish routines.

The success in responsible parenting is based on establishing routines with them, routines for eating, going to sleep, playing and of course going to the bathroom.

Establish a fixed time to take a bath, in their first months and first years motivate them through toys and games, but when they are older it is recommended that they bathe together, daddy with the boys and mommy with the girls.

By being constant in the establishment of the bathing routine, children will forge a habit where they will give importance to personal hygiene.

  1.     Ensure their safety.

Teaching them to bathe themselves does not mean that you will leave your children alone in the bathroom; on the contrary, accompany them because they could have an accident. Stay with them and help them with whatever they need. It is important that your child feels comfortable and safe for that reason it is important that they always have you in sight.

  1.     Regulate the temperature.

It is important to teach them to open the hot and cold water faucets in the correct way so that they learn to regulate the temperature to their liking, neither cold nor hot, lukewarm so they can enjoy their bath.

  1.     Teach them to wash the different parts of their body.

In this process you should teach your child to use soap and scrub the different parts of their body such as face, neck, arms, armpits, torso, legs, feet and hair.

Be sure to teach them to wash their face, behind their ears and neck, as well as to wash their hair and to be careful not to get their eyes in contact with the shampoo.

  1.     Teach them to wash their private parts.

You must tell your little one the importance of good hygiene in their intimate areas, for this you must tell them what their genitals and call them by their names, penis or vagina and teach them to wash them properly.

By teaching your little one to bathe on their own you are motivating their autonomy and this leads to your little one to feel bigger and consequently assume responsibilities of a big boy. In addition, the secret to good health lies in maintaining proper hygiene.

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