Most babies and some children present at certain ages, attachment for some special object, why? What are the reasons?
The term was first introduced by pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, trying to define the first possession of a baby in which he clings. Also recognized as “transitional object”
The attachment trapito has the function of giving an accompaniment to the babies in the most difficult moments of the day, as separation from their mother or when they have some special emotional need, an element that is not imposed by anyone, but is practically chosen by themselves, having a specific importance in their emotional and emotional process. It is also used at bedtime or when they need some kind of comfort, in the absence of the mother they require this element to feel protected since for them they somehow have a type of representation to their mother, which makes them feel Much safer and quieter.
It is necessary to respect these attachment patterns, understanding the emotional needs that children are requiring.
At what age do they start this process?
There is no specific age where children begin with this process since each child can manifest mania at different ages, some present this transitional behavior between six and eight months, others as they become aware of separation distress or The moment they acquire more autonomy and are more independent, this process is manifested unconsciously by the child, where they notice abrupt changes in their behavior and emotions, their mood may change, they are more sensitive to separation with their mother, they get irritated easily if they feel they take their clothes off. For this reason it is important to respect this stage, allowing them to overcome it naturally.
The attachment trap called more as I finish, since children do not necessarily only use cloths, they can also use a blanket, a pillow or a favorite doll, a handkerchief or shirt, something that somehow reminds them of the mother either by lived experiences or because they perceive their smell in it.
Most children also usually adopt a transitional object, with the arrival of a little brother, a change of city, separation from parents or beginning of school.
Some children also replace objects with actions, such as lulling themselves, singing a song when they are sad, when they move away from their mother or when they go to sleep, these actions generate a difference that leads the child to be more tolerant in separation with his mother and he calms down more easily in his absence, which allows for better emotional independence.