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Why should you take care of your baby's back while in the car seat?

Why should you take care of your baby's back while in the car seat?

It is important that, when taking babies in the car seat, some recommendations are taken into account that help to take care of the postural health of the little ones. Part of this care is to bear in mind the use of the child restraint safety system, not only for the safety it offers, but also because it allows them to travel with a suitable posture during any journey.

How can poor posture affect babies?

-The bad positions prevent the baby from having a good breath during the trip, it is always better to check the indications of the seat on the inclination measure that it should have as a means of safety, finding the correct position for each child.

- In the case of newborns, if their head is not firm, as they do not have enough force to support their head, it lowers, affecting breathing, which means that the position of the seat is not according to the size of the baby .

-A bad position affects the children's spine, generating discomfort, affecting the hips, spine, neck, being reflected in the gait in the crawling or in the postures that they adopt as they grow.

What to keep in mind:

-During the journey, babies must be restrained with harnesses and the head must be firm, you can count on the help of a reducing cushion from Jyoko.

-The inclination of the seat must be according to the size of the babies, they must not travel very upright so that the head does not fall on the sternum, the position must be intermediate for the comfort of the children and so that it does not hurt the spine during the trip .

-The recommended time for a baby in a car according to studies, is from half an hour to a maximum of two hours despite having the child restraint system, since, according to the United States Academy of Pediatrics, if the journey exceeds two hours, a baby's breathing can be affected.

Recommendations for long tours:

-Before traveling, check that the chair is well anchored and seat belts are on.

-It is necessary to make pauses on the way to rest the back, load them and with gentle massages float their back.

-You must be aware of the heat during the trip, this type of stress generates tension in the muscles of the body affecting your back and neck. It is recommended to protect the windows so that sun rays do not enter and seek air flow, try not to wrap the children too much during the trip, regulating the temperature of the car, the idea is that the little one breathes properly and does not suffer from heat, so it is recommended to measure the temperature constantly.

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