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Why does my baby wake up crying? - Jyoko

Why does my baby wake up crying? - Jyoko

Many of the parents' questions are because the babies wake up during the night and because they do so crying, interrupting the sleep and not allowing the necessary rest. The biggest concern is to think if it is normal or just usually only some children pass them by.

Basically the processes or sleep cycles of babies are very different from that of adults, since their sleep is much lighter. The dream is made through transitional cycles starting with a light sleep, then a deep sleep and then REM sleep, in this period of transition from one cycle to another, it is natural for children to wake up and often do so crying before the needs that can present, being a behavior manifested more in the first months of life as part of the evolutionary process and development of the babies. They will be coupled naturally to more specific schedules, depending on the proper handling of the habit formation that takes place at home.

Waking up in an intermediate way within their sleep cycles, generate benefits in babies, since it allows them to transmit their needs through crying, like a diaper change, if they are hungry, emotional needs or the manifestation of something that is bothering

These emotional reactions are normal manifestations, since it is a means of expression and communication that facilitates alertness in the parents to any danger, we must be very attentive to assist them immediately in the face of a crying reaction and more when they are very babies, since this can avoid the risk of sudden death syndrome.

Although there are myths that children should not be assisted when they cry at night and should be allowed to cry to get used to it, in addition to not being lifted or taken out of the crib, it can affect them in their behavior, character and in their area emotional, as it is natural that children when they are born need to feel the protection of their mother and not want to be alone, but feel accompanied.

Letting them cry for hours is sending them an incorrect message of indifference to what they ask, babies perceiving it as a lack of affection, increasing emotional dependence on parents as a reaction to the need for attention, prolonging the adaptation to specific hours for more months. and increasing the emotional needs of the little ones.

In the first months it is difficult for them to understand as an adult when it is day or night, or when they should sleep or not, they only sleep at the time they require it and now.

To be able to achieve a custom or adjustment of schedules, you must have a lot of patience, as they get to know the children will identify more easily the reason why they cry, if not hungry, they can calm themselves from their crib with small pat , caresses in the back and words that stimulate them to calm down and feel that they are with them, helping them to sleep again.

It's just patience because this type of behavior, changing according to the capacity of assimilation in your biological clock with the established sleep schedules, so there is no need to worry about the crying of babies, they are only reactions instinctively to need something and feel alone.

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