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Why my baby always say - Jyoko

Why my baby always say - Jyoko

The age of 2 years is a stage where the changes of temperament have no end and although this is very normal, the manifestation of rebellion, cries and constant complaints, often cause parents to wear out when children want something immediately or They just do not like being told "no".

Although this age is difficult, it is crucial to take advantage of it to strengthen the foundations of education and control of their emotions.

The two years is an age when it is hard to accept rules, it is frustrating to leave their game because they have to obey something they do not want to do at that moment, if they do something it is because they say it but not because someone is ordering them, it is normal that they are obstinate, impatient and always want to take the opposite in everything.

For this reason, it is important to be radical when teaching them to execute orders, learning as parents to tolerate frustration, without giving in to the demands they make. A little firmness and perseverance will be the key to be able to successfully assume this stage.

As a recommendation in times of change of mind of the children, you should not react with anger, but you should try to understand them, understanding that they can not always control their emotions, because many times they do not understand why they behave that way.

Offering them the possibility of being autonomous and at the same time making them obey is not impossible if they are communicated in a strategic way, such as:

Go to sleep!! Assertive words are fundamental for them, since they give firmness to the order that they want to send and they are not given the possibility of refuting.

They can also be given the opportunity to choose in some moments, accompanying the assertive word with a question like: do you want to sleep with your doll or better without it? This will encourage their autonomy and at the same time motivate them to do what needs to be done at the right time.

Delete the no! It is advisable for this stage in which children are being programmed to have obedience guidelines, it is recommended to replace the one with no! or a ¡para !, because these words fit more with the autonomy of the little ones.

The motivation to perform an action with a cheerful tone of voice, will make them want to do what they are sent without feeling it as an order or an imposition, many times if they do not want to do it and show defiant attitude as for example, "pick up the toys "and are opposed to doing so, the best attitude of the parents is not to discuss, but to hold them by the hand and take them where the toys are, making them put in their place, teaching them indirectly to give a positive response to what is he asks them, in addition, a congratulation will motivate them to continue their task.

When they make a tantrum for something, they should never threaten to stop loving them because they must remember that they are being themselves and as uncomfortable as these tantrums are, it is a fundamental part of emotional development, with the tranquility that as the evil grows humor will disappear, taking into account that you should not access everything you want immediately and less when it is expressed inappropriately, this will only reaffirm your bad behavior by prolonging your bad attitudes for more years, being more difficult after handling your temper .

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