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Why does my baby have pimples? Types and causes

Why does my baby have pimples? Types and causes

When babies are born we believe that the skin will be soft and smooth, but on many occasions it happens that babies are born with some imperfections in their skin, small pimples, reddened spots that usually worry some parents.

There are varieties of granites in the face of children, which are defined by certain characteristics that we will specify below.

* Neonatal acne: it is the most common and usually appears the second or fourth week of the baby's life. These granites are defined by being reddened, but at the tip they are white, usually appear on the cheeks, scalp, neck, forehead. The fortunate thing is that as the weeks go by they usually disappear on their own.

According to studies, they appear due to the over stimulation of the sebaceous glands of the child because of the mother's hormones.

* Miliaria: These are white granites that appear on the face, do not need any treatment, as it also disappears on its own. These pimples come out more on the cheeks, nose, and chin.

Its causes are the obstruction of the ducts of the sweat glands, so it is not advisable to use creams with thick or fatty consistency, much less talcum that obstruct these ducts more, to relieve in case of discomfort, it is better to have the Pediatrician's advice.

* Sudamina: These granites also reddish and with white tip, manifest in the back, usually in the upper part also covering the neck, appear in the folds of the body of arms or legs, its causes are heat and sweat, so it is recommended to keep the baby's skin always dry, constantly cleaning them in the places where the outbreak manifests.

* Milky crust or seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea of ​​the infant: they are lesions that are located specifically on the scalp and forehead similar to dandruff, are like scales that adhere to the scalp and is very common in newborns, usually remains In some children about 3 years of age, it can also appear in other areas such as eyebrows, eyelashes, neck or in the diaper area, causing damage to the skin and scabs that secrete a yellow liquid. According to studies it is presented by a greater production of the fat of the child's skin.

Don't be alarmed, it usually disappears on its own. It is best to use special soaps and a shampoo that does not irritate or dry the skin, these are recommended by pediatricians for better care. If after a few days it does not go away, consult your doctor.

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