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When do babies get their teeth? - Jyoko

When do babies get their teeth? - Jyoko

According to studies the teeth are formed from the time babies are in the womb, staying inside their gums, until they reach the teething stage. Although it is not a general rule, there are babies who at 4 months of age and their first tooth appears and in some cases may take a little longer, this happens according to what experts say, the genetics inherited from the parents.

It is normal for the first teeth to appear during the 6 months, usually the first teeth that appear are the lower incisor teeth that are those of the center and front. The teeth usually come out one at a time, then the back and sides come out, the last ones to come out are the molars and they appear when the children are about 2 years old, this in most cases.

The dentition can present some characteristic symptoms typical of this stage, most children have a restless behavior and discomfort in their mouth because of the inflammation of the gums and the redness that shows that the tooth will soon come out, this It makes them want to put their hand or fist constantly to the mouth as a way to calm the pain, discomfort or piquiña that occurs in their gums.

The Spanish Academy of Pediatrics ensures that the temperature may increase slightly, may also present discomfort at the time of eating, sleeping, waking up crying, not being an aggravating or a sample of disease to intervene or treat, although if recommended visit the pediatrician for a general assessment since in some moments they can provide analgesics so that at night they can rest and they can reduce the tooth pain in the baby.

There are elements that should be taken at home to help relieve pain and discomfort, such as teethers that, when cooled and placed in the mouth, help lower the temperature and reduce inflammation of the gums. The baby's pacifier can also be a good option if you refrigerate a few minutes and then give it to suck.

Also rub the gums with your finger gently using it as a soothing method to lessen the pain.

It is not necessary to be anguished if you want to put everything in your mouth, it will be normal to want to bite everything you have at hand, for this reason it is recommended to leave safe objects within your reach and that can easily manipulate, such as teethers, pacifiers and soft toys .

It is recommended to disinfect toys continuously, as the saliva with the passing of days produces bacteria that affect the throat and gums prolonging inflammation and therefore pain.

Drooling in the dentition is normal, it is advisable to clean the excess of drool that remains in the mouth to avoid rashes or any type of skin irritation, cleaning can be done with a cotton cloth to avoid allergy, or hurt the babies.

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