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Until when the baby should sleep with his parents

Until when the baby should sleep with his parents

The dream is a fundamental basis for the development of the baby and it is required to acquire good habits from an early age, many parents prefer that the child sleep with them, this act is called co-sleeping, according to the primary care pediatricians of Madrid Spain, it has been proven that the co-sleeping can be beneficial for the bond of the baby with the parents, although it can also be risky for the child.

The Spanish pediatric association, as well as the breastfeeding committee supports this practice as long as it does not exceed 6 months, taking the necessary precautions to reduce the possibility of sudden death.

This practice helps to encourage breastfeeding, being easy for the mother to breastfeed at the time required, and studies show that sleeping close to parents prevents the onset of stress and fear, since they acquire less cortisol level , the stress hormone.

Increase cognitive level, achieving greater school performance, being also more emotionally balanced, with greater self-confidence, more tolerant of frustration, with greater self-control and self-esteem, compared to those who sleep since they are born in a separate room.

This practice, if done for more than 6 months, can generate dependency and little autonomy, it will be difficult for you to sleep alone in adulthood, developing sleep problems, as well as interfering in the relationship and intimacy of the parents. .

It is necessary that during this practice, babies sleep on firm, clean surfaces without pillows and dolls to avoid the possibility of suffocation, as well as always sleeping on their backs, they should not sleep all night on sofas and should not be covered. head so you do not have difficulty breathing.

The room where you sleep should be at room temperature, not very hot, if you sleep in the same bed with parents, it is better to ensure that the bed is too spacious to not take risks and hurt the baby while sleeping.

At six months the parents must give a space to the baby, as much as possible is to feel unprotected, so it must be related little by little to your bed and room, the mother should leave there only until she falls asleep, It will not be easy for the parents to leave the room overnight.

Classical music and being in Mom's arms before bedtime will help you to relax, listening to your voice and soft words while you sleep will make you not feel alone if you feel protected and safe.

Physical contact with the baby can be done during the day with games and activities that promote the love of the mother to her baby, this means that she does not need to be in bed at night with her parents, the idea is to replace what the baby feels at night to be close to his mother for a day full of closeness and attention.

During breastfeeding the most common is that you want to have the child at hand, besides wanting to keep close to you all the time, he, when feeling close to the mother, will sleep much more calmly, even when he can not sleep, put him in the middle of the dads, it will be a quick solution to calm down and sleep peacefully.

Despite the advantages that co-sleeping can have, it is necessary to understand that if it lasts longer it will generate dependence, physical contact day and night will harm it and will not have a good separation process, increasing the risk of it being too little. independent, shy, with low self-esteem and lack of decision.

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