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Three month baby and his changes

Three month baby and his changes

Our baby has grown and every time shows greater maturity and adaptation to the environment in which he is, is much more awake and attentive to everything that revolves around him, wants to hear, perceive, feel and learn new things.
I would like to speak, although the words do not come out, she expresses herself through babbling, smiles, looks, movements with her body, expressing in some way the emotion that her parents listen to, feeling that she is under care and always protected.
His perception is growing, he knows the moment in which his parents or relatives approach, trying to follow them with his gaze, in the same way he follows objects but with a slow fixation, his sense of observation allows to see the faces focusing on his eyes.
He develops skills in his gross motor skills, the movements of the legs and arms are more marked and continuous, the muscles of his spine and neck are much stronger, managing to hold his head for longer.
When you place it face down, you rest with your hands by raising your head and chest, also in a straight position, you will look for ways to push your legs with your feet.
With his hands he achieves more precise movements, putting his hands in his mouth in a coordinated way, he loves to move his hands to take or touch the objects, he grabs them when they are placed in his hands, controlling his movements more when opening and closing his hands. When he has the toys in his hand, he will show great emotion by shaking his arms strongly.
The vision is more accurate to observe and identify things that you did not recognize before, such as your hands, will be a means of distraction, observe and play with them. His approach to seeing and recognizing smaller objects has improved by achieving greater distance.

The three-month-old baby is still fed with milk, although it is very possible that the amount of shots decreases, the consumption of this food should not be suspended
The baby's sleep also changes, increasing his time periods, managing to sleep approximately 15 to 18 hours.

It is important to follow processes that help with the development of the baby through stimuli at home that promote their skills, help strengthen their muscles and potentiate their cognitive area.
Taking into account these factors and characteristics of the baby at this age, activities that stimulate it comprehensively should be planned.

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