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The why stage | Baby Blog - Jyoko

The why stage | Baby Blog - Jyoko

Constant questions are part of the natural development of children, when they are babies they explore through their senses such as touch, sight, hearing and taste, but when they start 2 years to 4 years, the interminable questions begin, being part of his constant exploration.

This stage, cataloged as the stage of the whys, is crucial for the intelligence and cognitive development of the little ones and although it can be a fun process, listening to the occurrences and all kinds of questions during day and night, can also be exhausting.

According to experts, children can ask a total of 40,000 questions, where each day they increase their language and ability to communicate more, improving their vocabulary, their understanding of things and the world around them.

It is key that we always respond with the truth, with clear, simple words for greater understanding, even when the questions are difficult to answer and touch on issues of sexuality, economics or personal matters.

The answers should be concise and clear, taking into account that the questions that are not answered at home, friends or strangers will do so, taking the risk that the information given is not the best or the most objective.

You should never cut the questions or change the subject, even if it is exhausting or you do not have the answer immediately, looking for a book of support will encourage the desire to learn new things, generating interest to investigate and discover things also for themselves.

Listening to them say the occurrences of everything they observe, think or feel, will be important for their self-esteem, security and character, projecting them to be expressive, honest and sincere, obviously what is wrong will be corrected and addressed so that the knowledge acquired is well-founded

Taking advantage of the interrogations to start a conversation will be a good opportunity to strengthen the family bond, asking them questions so that they understand that their opinion is also important for others, it will increase their imagination, thinking and reasoning ability.

The naturalness of the words and common sense with which they are answered will give them the facility to assimilate all the information that is sent to them.

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