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How to help a child overcome fear - Jyoko

How to help a child overcome fear - Jyoko

In childhood every day we have to face a series of changes and emotions that are different and too big for someone who is still small, from there fears, fears and phobias arise, although they can be habitual and normal, they are variable according to age and situation. the one that must be faced.

Most fears disappear as they grow and become mature to understand that there is no need to be afraid and what they feel is manageable. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics calls these fears as "evolutionary fears", also referring to some fears such as phobias, should be treated with help, because they generate an emotional disproportion that leads to feelings of anxiety.

One of the most frequent fears in children is that of the dark, where going to bed is usually difficult and stormy, seeing your dark and shady room causes your senses to perceive a sense of fear, this habitual fear is presented in one of every three children between the ages of two decreasing from 8 to 9 years old.

To improve these states of anxiety, it is necessary to have routines that help reassure them before going to sleep, avoid drinks with sugar at night or containing caffeine degrees, prepare an environment with soft music to rest, promote their tranquility and change the thoughts of anguish assimilating your room as a place of refuge and rest, reading a story, tucking them in and waiting for them to fall asleep, preventing them from doing exciting activities at night, will be of great help in overcoming these fears.

Another of the most frequent fears in children is that of separation, this usually appears in the first years of life and manifests when they are far away from their parents, to diminish this fear independence must be encouraged, stimulating each day the autonomy of the child, avoiding overprotection.

 You can start with short separations, such as letting them play at friends' homes for certain periods of time to strengthen security and confidence.

School fears are also very common, this is based on the pressure environment that they can handle in the face of competitiveness and the rules they promote within the place, often provoking feelings of loneliness. The good news is that this fear will disappear as the child adapts progressively to his school.

The fear of doctors is very frequent to be manifested since he is a baby, the feeling of having an unknown person close by giving him injections makes the child feel high levels of anxiety.

To avoid this it is necessary that the parents have a calm attitude so that the children are calmer, interacting and knowing their pediatrician before will be of great help for the child.

Photo: @Xeniaolivia

Photo: freepik.es

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