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The importance of promoting good habits in our children

The importance of promoting good habits in our children

Now that children are at home more time, it is the perfect time to promote routines that lead to behavioral improvement, with habits being a fundamental area of ​​education, training in discipline that will be part of their character in the future.

What we teach at home, good or bad habits manage in them a repetitive learning, making them gradually get used to the established norms, as well as the customs that the parents have, whether it is food, way of communicating and live together.

An adult may consider a routine as boring and monotonous, but in children it is a fundamental part of their training, not creating a discipline of actions, will make children more carefree, lacking in self-care.

Creating habits in children will allow them to have more security in the things they do, if they have a fixed meal time at home and they get used to washing their hands before and after eating, then they brush their teeth and then do some routine in Like reading a family, children will know what comes next every day, feeling much more confident in what they are doing and with greater tranquility in their daily lives. Changing their routines or having constant time changes in their activities can cause them to be more stressed, predisposed and in a bad mood.

Habits also help to promote the organization of the place where they live, when routines are created, the organization for children becomes much simpler and parents will have no future problems with their children, these routines also help them to be more collaborators and consent to support their parents with household chores.

Within this formation of habits, skills are managed in their autonomy, which allows them to face their daily lives without help, managing to be much more independent, acquiring self-evaluation and self-correction skills. By making these routines a part of them, they will increasingly want them to run better, creatively seeking ways to be much better at what they do.
The promotion of values ​​in children against the built-in habits are so important, since they allow children to learn to be responsible and co-responsible in their functions. Learning to value what you have and appreciate each moment shared with your family is part of what you are learning in this teaching.

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