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Sunglasses according to your face

Sunglasses according to your face

Sunglasses are more than just an essential summer accessory; they also protect our eyes from potentially damaging radiation, lessen the effects of weariness, and contribute to the overall harmony of our appearance. They are providing, of course, that we pick the kind that is appropriate for us.

Today’s article on Bright Side provides a variety of pointers on how to choose a pair of sunglasses that complements the shape of your face and information on how to distinguish between lenses of good and low quality. In addition to that, a valuable bonus will be waiting for you when you finish reading this post.

How to figure out what kind of face you have

Choose one of the following: a bit of soap, lipstick, a washable marker, or a pencil. In front of a mirror, position yourself so that your arms are by your sides. Trace the contour of your face on the mirror’s surface, beginning at your chin and continuing up to your hairline. Be careful not to let your hand wander as you do this. Take a step back and look at the shape created as a consequence.

Round Faces

You should select eyewear with black frames if you want to give the appearance that your face is longer than it actually is. They make a face appear more narrow while also bringing its contours closer to that of an oval. Choose a frame in which the breadth is more significant than the height to bring harmony to the proportions of your face.

Appropriate for those with round faces:

  • glasses with rounded, rectangular, and square outlines
  • Cat’s eyes glasses
  • Butterfly glasses
  • glasses that have relatively thin bridges
  • Aviators\wayfarers

Oval faces

In this scenario, the most important thing is to avoid upsetting the natural proportions of your face. Therefore, you should steer clear of glasses with an excessively substantial appearance. The ideal width of the frame for your face is somewhat more significant than the width of your face itself. Check to see that the upper half of the frame sits in the same place as your eyebrows do.

Appropriate for those with oval faces:

  • Glasses with frames that are either rectangular, oval or round and have smooth lines.
  • Glasses shaped like butterflies
  • Cat’s eyes spectacles.

Square Faces

Frames with sharp angles, such as rectangular or square ones, might “overload” the contours of your face. On the other hand, frames with rounded corners will help to visually balance overall face proportions and add a softer appearance to them.

Suitable for square faces:

  • Large glasses.
  • Glasses with a frame width that is proportional to the breadth of the wearer’s face
  • glasses with frames of various colors.
  • Eyeglasses with frames in an oval, circular, or teardrop shape.
  • Frameless glasses.
  • Cat’s eyes spectacles.

Rectangular Faces

Try to create the illusion that your face is more comprehensive than it is. Choose glasses that are substantial in size and appearance. In addition, check to see if the lenses are see-through and that the frames are thin and the same color as your skin.

Suitable for rectangular faces:

  • Large-framed spectacles.
  • Aviators (with large frames).
  • Spectacles with a round frame.

Faces shaped like hearts

Your objective is to achieve facial harmony by giving the impression that the lower area of your face is fuller than it is. Massive spectacles won’t be used because they’ll only add extra volume to the top of your head. It is recommended that you select glasses in which the breadth corresponds to the width of your face. Choose a style that is in the shape of a teardrop. “Aviators” would be a perfect choice.

Appropriate for those with faces in the form of a heart:

  • A glass that is rounded or circular.
  • Frames that are on the smaller side and have a thin bridge.
  • Glasses with arms that are positioned at a low angle.
  • Frameless glasses.
  • Frames with light or neutral-colored mats.

Triangular faces

Your primary objective should be to visibly enlarge the top part of your face while simultaneously drawing less attention to the lower portion of your face. Select a pair of sunglasses with a big frame and a broad upper portion. The lower section mustn’t have square corners or clean lines.

Appropriate for the surfaces of triangles:

  • Glasses in the shape of a circle with no elaborate ornamentation.
  • Glasses have the look of a cat’s eyes but with clear lenses.
  • Frameless glasses

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