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How to help a child with behavior problems - Jyoko

How to help a child with behavior problems - Jyoko

Sport is a fundamental tool for children to have a good physical and mental development, children who play sports at a young age in their adolescence will be safer, healthier with greater ability to relate, respectful, supportive and above all with good discipline, encouraging a sport in the little ones will avoid a headache for the parents in the face of negative and behavioral behaviors of their children.

At a young age the sport can become only a game and a fun game, but having a constant dynamic regarding sports practices will promote the habit in children, being very important at a health level because the sport practiced continuously will help to avoid diseases that usually manifest themselves in adulthood and to correct respiratory complaints such as asthma, allergies, etc. It will promote good health by improving the development of bones and muscles as well as having a good cardiovascular function.

Being an athlete will not only benefit the physical part but also can speak of a psychological level, since the activities especially the group reinforces the self-esteem helping to have greater confidence in themselves for the obtained achievements, it will reinforce the importance of respecting norms , follow orders and respect the established rules.

Although it is important that they choose the sport they want to practice, this should be according to their abilities, for example, if they are shy, it is better to choose a sport in which they must relate to other children like football or if they are very active, it is better to choose an individual sport such as tennis, which will allow them to channel attention and concentration.

Through the sports processes, skills are also developed that will be manifested in their school activities, since these practices strengthen laterality, which is what allows the proper development of writing, also the sequence of activities within a sports training helps with The retention of information, attention and concentration, will have greater capacity to express themselves by the social stimuli they receive in their practices, guaranteeing better interpersonal relationships based on respect.

The training of sports children will promote a better behavior at home, basing the power of self-discipline and autonomous learning, discovering new things, but above all being persevering and overcoming frustration in the face of adversity, understanding that everything can be achieved if one is constant and above all love what you do.

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