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How much a baby should sleep | Benefits - Jyoko

How much a baby should sleep | Benefits - Jyoko

The University of Massachusetts, according to studies conducted, has shown that having a nap on the same day, accompanied with night sleep, has benefits in emotional memory in the early years of childhood.

Definitely giving children time for a nap will contribute to their emotional process and more in preschool children, helping to consolidate the memories of the information received during the day, benefiting the processing of memory.

It is proven that with an average of 70 minutes of nap will help to achieve the educational objectives of children, being an important phase as part of their daily learning, which makes it necessary to guarantee sleep time for children, looking for a time that does not bursts into the night's sleep.

When children take rest times through their nap, they improve the functioning of declarative memory that is responsible for evoking memories and benefits short-term memory that retains the information learned during the day.

Among the many benefits also helps with the social psychological process, it is proven that when you do not take time to rest in between, there are major drawbacks of extreme activity, anxiety and even depression, making it a little harder for them to concentrate.

This habit can be achieved naturally, children require this rest and their body naturally asks for it according to their age and stage of development, when children enter school, they have a single nap from two years to 5 years, although 70% stop taking naps until 4 years, 3 out of 10 children need to rest during this age.

Although there is no pattern of how to nap, try to be at the same time, be in a quiet place free of external noise and relaxed, classical music for babies will be ideal for these times of rest.

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