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How to praise children appropriately - Jyoko

How to praise children appropriately - Jyoko

The praise of children used correctly produces surprising effects on their self-esteem, the right words make children feel valued by promoting a good attitude towards life and the things they want to achieve.

To achieve good self-esteem it is necessary to first recognize two types of mentality of the human being, these are the fixed mentality and the growing mentality, the fixed mentality is to think that the abilities one has are innate and can not be changed, if one does not is good at something nothing can be done about it.

The growing mentality thinks that the skills are acquired but developed through the experience, believing that, if you are not good at something, you can improve with practice and dedication with the security, that of the mistakes you always learn.


In the small ones a fixed mentality or of growth can be developed, according to the stimuli that receive daily.

According to research when parents are concerned about an error made by their children and make them see these errors in a negative way, they encourage them to have a fixed mentality, compared to parents who teach them to learn from mistakes motivating them to continue, promoting a growing mentality, strengthening your intelligence, your self-esteem through the learning of effort and perseverance.

For this reason you should avoid praising them at times when they have not made any effort for something, if they praise only they will be satisfied to do the basics, stay right or wrong because they know they will always receive praise, this only builds a mind it fixes that it will not let them advance or envision themselves.

The reward and congratulations must be given to achievements obtained based on dedication, perseverance and discipline, not focusing only on the result they could obtain, but in the process they did to obtain that result.


These compliments should be clear and well-expressed, a "Well done" is not adequate, no emphasis is being placed on the accuracy that they did well, it is assumed that everything is fine and will not help them to improve.

Neither should be praised excessively so that they do not feel perfect or that they believe they have to be at all times, when they get used to being praised every time they do something, they will be in search of recognition and when they do not receive their self-esteem and Security will be affected.

It is necessary to motivate the children to be independent and take risks, to do things for themselves, let them make decisions in certain situations so that they learn that these have good or bad consequences, congratulating them for the achievements obtained being concise in their strengths and very prudent to make known their weaknesses, with adequate words that build greater security despite the mistakes they may have, leading them to understand that they will always have to improve but they are valuable beings with many strengths and sufficient capabilities to achieve everything that is propose

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