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Physical activity, the best ally in times of quarantine

Physical activity, the best ally in times of quarantine

Staying active while we are at home is a very good way to break with the daily routine, in addition to providing benefits to our body and strengthening our immune system. Staying active through some physical activity allows the body to eliminate stress, provide greater tranquility and balance during our daily activities, helping us to be much healthier.

The World Health Organization (WHO) ensures that "sedentary behavior and low levels of physical activity can have negative effects on people's health, well-being and quality of life." So he recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity and 75 minutes of more intense exercise during the week. Children under 12 years of age are recommended to do at least 80 minutes a week.

The muscles of the body have 30% of the body weight, which makes them, when exercising, our great alloys when it comes to fighting infections.


When we exercise the muscles, compounds are produced that improve the immune system, strengthening the biological processes that are the ones that react to infections. With a moderate intensity of muscular work and doing some physical activity continuously, it can become a great method of disease prevention.

For this reason, it is important to stay active during isolation, avoiding sitting for long periods of time. If the daily work requires sitting for long hours, it is recommended that you get out of your chair every 20 to 30 minutes and do body stretches for 5 to 10 minutes.

Maintaining a routine of daily exercises establishing fixed hours for the performance of the exercises, is the adequate thing to generate the habit. You can use the support of videos with specific routines to train each part of the body or simply to perform aerobic activity, these exercises can be planned to be done together with the family, with the support and discipline of all as motivation to make it much easier to achieve the expected results.

Ideally, each family member sets their own goal of discipline and consistency. As a recommendation, write the progress in a weekly table and some reward for the achievements you have achieved.
It is important that the activities to be carried out during the week are organized in such a way that the intensity of the exercises is progressive.

Part of the benefits of physical activity is that they help decrease hypertension, improve bone health, strengthen the immune system and prevent lung diseases.

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