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How music influences children - Jyoko

How music influences children - Jyoko

For many years we have heard the importance of music and the effect it can have on children's learning, these effects can be noticeable as they grow, since there is scientific evidence that music influences children's abilities. children, favoring emotional growth.


One of the benefits of music in the brain, is the release of dopamine that stimulates the subcortical circuit of the limbic system, this helps good behavior, cognition, learning and potentiates cognitive functions.


The most important thing about music is that it is a tool that helps manage the emotional balance of children, providing greater peace of mind.


The relationship that music has with the brain is so high that it can link several processes at once, activating complex mechanisms to process sounds, storage of information in memory, as well as its recovery and high sensorial motor integration.


Children should not be limited to listening to music, especially classical music and children's music, as these allow them to remember their melodies and lyrics more easily. It is recommended to put songs that are easy to sing and repeat, ideally they include onomatopoeias and that they can also dance.


According to studies, this type of music is processed more easily by the structure it handles and the short time it lasts.


You can sing to the children by clapping their hands in order to learn to set the pace. The music aims to develop the musical expressivity, sensitizing them to such an extent that it allows the child to later choose a musical instrument to learn to play.


In the initial musical processes the development of the voice is encouraged, having contact with different sounds by means of different materials or instruments.


They learn to recognize the representation of sound by identifying the intensity, duration, timbre, height, also potentiating auditory perception.


Therefore, we must not forget that music is a fundamental tool in children and that it plays a very important role in their learning.


Music is the best way to spend a pleasant time with the family while stimulating the little ones.


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