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4 months, sleep crisis

4 months, sleep crisis


4-month-old babies have not yet developed a concise sleep pattern, sleep cycles are based only on two phases which are called "active" sleep (REM sleep) and "Quiet" non-REM sleep), these only last for a period of 45 to 50 minutes. However, sleep and rest play a fundamental role in a baby's development and growth, and this is why they must be cared for and pampered down to the smallest detail.
Starting at 4 months, the baby's brain begins a process of restructuring and maturing, producing a change in sleep patterns and heart rhythms, this restructuring is usually reflected in 3 naps a day and a longer time in the night, changes that are more reflected in sleep times and that not all children can assimilate, calling themselves "sleep crisis", these crises generate in the child a low possibility of falling asleep or of having disorganized schedules habitual of sleeping, showing irritability, bad temper and crying. This is why it is essential to know how your baby should sleep in order to get the most rest. 
It is here where it will be normal that you want to look for the "sleep supports" that help you feel comforted and also to fall asleep, these support points are the chest, sleeping in the arms or taking a bottle, asking them more and more, as Waking up, the unfortunate thing about these changes, is that they prevent you from sleeping independently.
If your baby is going through these "sleep crisis", we want to recommend some practical tips so that they can overcome this stage together.
-When sleep crises begin and ask for the aforementioned sleep supports, it is important that at the beginning you access it, giving it what it requires, remember that it is an age crisis that needs to be attended to and patiently understood, in the same way, these supports They can be withdrawn from sleep little by little as the baby adapts to the new schedules and overcomes the crisis.
-It is important not to create additional new sleep supports, since this can generate a dependency in the baby, which can have repercussions in sleep problems and emotional dependency conditions.
-You must be aware of the signs of sleep that the baby begins to show, remember that his brain is in the maturation stage, each change you see will be an indication that he is overcoming the crisis or not.
-The yawning, if you get restless, if you float your eyes with your hands, it is a sign that you want to sleep, which makes it important to attend to the need immediately. It is not advisable to extend the time to bed it, since this will only have an effect on increasing your irritability, or because you are over tired, it will be much more difficult to sleep at night.
-Following a schedule routine is important, but it is necessary to be flexible when required. Establishing habits is key for children to grow up healthy and gain greater security in carrying out their routines.
-To help this process, it must be ensured that the child is feeding well.The curiosity of the children with the world around them causes them to be distracted and not make their milk feedings well, having established feeding times and giving them eating before bedtime will prevent the baby from having to wake up in the middle of the night for more food.
-Be patient, the child is experiencing many changes that he himself does not understand, possibly it will take a month or two for his sleep to stabilize.
The changes that children at 4 months have and should be taken into account are:
-Changes in decreased REM sleep or active sleep.
-Increase non-REM sleep, which is deep sleep.
-Increase sleep cycles at night and reduce the number of naps in the day.
-Melatonin production, hormone that helps sleep-wake regulation.
- The number of daytime naps is reduced.
-They start with learning to differentiate day and night

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