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Mindfulness techniques to reduce stress in children at home

Mindfulness techniques to reduce stress in children at home

We love to watch our kids constantly play and have fun, but there are times when they definitely don't want to sit still. Which is the reason? This can happen, due to the different environmental stimuli that children receive on a daily basis, which cause them to be over-active, anxious or impulsive.

Fortunately, there are techniques that can help us teach our children the importance of achieving body control and mind control.

Mindfulness, also called mindfulness or mindfulness, is a practice focused on meditation, which has been created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, in order to help the child to have control of his thoughts, emotions and body movements. The best thing is that these activities can be done and enjoyed as a family and also serve for adults.

Next, we will introduce you to some techniques that can be applied at home and that will be very useful to relax your little ones when you need it.

-Attentive mind like the little frog: This technique is fabulous because it teaches children from a young age to meditate and understand the basic principles of breathing. You should start by sitting on the floor, with your legs crossed, your back straight, and your hands above your knees. It must be explained to them that, just as the frog jumps, the frog can also stay still for a long time, and to achieve this, one must breathe calmly and calmly, taking air and inflating the stomach and then deflating it, voting the air for the mouth slowly, just as the frog does.

After they learn to breathe, with their eyes closed, they can be motivated to think of something nice, their favorite place, some experience that has given them happiness, to program them with positive thoughts during the day, improve mood, and lower anxiety levels. You can do this meditation every day in the morning, always reinforcing in them that you have to be patient, manage calm, that there are times to play and that there are times to be calm, just like the little frog does.
The favorable thing about this technique is that it improves concentration, self-control, discipline, patience and develops hearing acuity.

-The sound of the bee: This exercise is great to help them relax and focus their attention, when they are very distracted or stressed, this technique will be perfect for them. To start, motivate children to cover their ears with the thumb and rest of the hand resting on the head, show them how. Then they must close their eyes and imitate the sound of the bee, like a buzz. Zzzzzz.

-I see you: This game is perfect to be done with the whole family, in addition to developing attention, it allows to strengthen family ties, understanding for the other and empathy. It consists of sitting in pairs face to face while each one is observed, trying to express the love that one feels for the other with the look and gestures, each one must also be well detailed, so that in the end, they can tell their experience and what that was observed and detailed from the other person.

-Painting Mandalas: It is a technique that helps the child to relax, focus their attention and develop their coordination by hand, these drawings can be obtained for free by google and are ready to print. When a child paints mandalas, the two hemispheres are stimulated to work together. This exercise should be done in a quiet place and accompanied by soft music.

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