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How to stimulate a baby's laughter - Jyoko

How to stimulate a baby's laughter - Jyoko

Laughter is fundamental in the development of all children, benefiting them emotionally, socially, physiologically and cognitively, laughter is a sign of happiness at all levels.

According to various studies, children with a sense of humor have a greater mental, cognitive and emotional development, which allows them to easily find positive solutions to the problems presented without feeling frustrated, achieving psychological maturity, with positive feelings and a good attitude. in front of everyday situations, assimilating every moment in the best way, acting assertively towards life, influencing motivation and well-being towards others.

To achieve all this is necessary for children to be stimulated in a pleasant, quiet and fun, where parents are part of these spaces of humor that will strengthen confidence, providing greater security in themselves, achieving emotional well-being that will be a fundamental part in his psychological development.


Within the component of emotions, what you have to give in joy and good attitude, will be the basis of children's happiness in a present and their future, with laughter being the best vehicle to connect them with other people, sensitizing them to have a kind treatment with others.

When the little ones laugh, the body releases endorphins that leads to a sensation of pleasure and tranquility, it also secretes substances such as dopamine, which improves mood, serotonin known as the hormone of happiness and adrenaline which is what It allows you to be active, besides it achieves benefits at the physiological level, since it helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and face, as well as strengthens the heart and the immune system.

 According to studies, the cognitive level increases in memory, learning and attention, strengthening creative thinking because the brain is more oxygenated and irrigated.

The emotional benefits are evident in the expression of emotions and overflowing happiness, laughter can be considered as the best therapy to release tension and lower levels of stress.

Laughter increases brain activity by making children more receptive to the world around them, much better capturing the information of what revolves around them.

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