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How to teach children to be patient

How to teach children to be patient

When a person is patient, he acquires the ability to assess each situation and circumstance lived, this being a means to solve problems at different times.

Patience is a learned behavior that develops over time and according to the parenting guidelines that are implemented at home, reinforcing it, in turn, by example, children learn from the behaviors and attitudes of their main authorities (parents) If the child does not see this at home, no matter how much patience is required, it will be very difficult for them to acquire it.
Therefore, promoting patience will be a job in which parents and children must be involved and, at the same time, have tools to stimulate and strengthen it.

How can I do it?

-Generate self-control: When you see your impatient children, sit them in a chair making them put their hands together, in moments of anger, it will help them to relax and calm down, to understand what self-control is and to learn to be patient. Take them to breathe and they count to five while they do it, they are good exercises to promote self-control.

-Teach them to wait: Turn games are a good method to teach them to respect times and to know how to wait, to value the time of others, without forgetting that he will always be included.

-To promote the concept of time: introducing into their daily routines, activity schedules, games, responsibilities at home, eating times, will help them gradually develop patience, understanding that not everything can be for them immediately, but that there are adequate times to do it, parents can not always run to the requirements of children, this will only make them impatient and get used to that everything has to be when they say.

While they are relating the concept of time, they can be told, for example, you can drink the juice when you finish dinner, your TV time has not started, you must first collect your toys

-Make activities that need patience, for this you can plan activities within your daily routine such as; cooking, planting plants or flowers, seeds, activities that require a waiting time, are perfect to develop patience.

-Include patience within the daily vocabulary: This word should be used daily and always be mentioned in times of correction, for example; you just need to be a little more patient to wait for the cookies to be, then wait for them to cool down so you can eat them. If you are patient we can wait for everyone in the family to finish their homework, so we can get together to watch the movie together.

-Congratulate their progress: There is nothing more motivating than congratulating and praising the children's achievements, this has repercussions in advances and improvements in behavior, congratulating them when they wait, when they stop having a tantrum and instead understand and expect as they are You explained it to them, it will reinforce their pattern of behavior and you will make each day much easier to wait and be more patient.

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