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Ideas to paint the baby's room - Jyoko

Ideas to paint the baby's room - Jyoko

Part of the process of waiting for the babies is how to organize the room in such a way that it can be comfortable for them and the parents, what would be the appropriate colors to paint the room.

According to expert psychologists, color is a fundamental part in the development of the personality of children and is part of the stimulating process that will exercise at the time of sleeping the baby in that room.

How to paint the babies' room and what colors should be adapted according to the age of the children, is a question that many parents must ask themselves, since each color influences positively and negatively according to the age they are in.

When they are born, their visual perception is minimal and they do not notice the difference of one color to another, the colors that most stimulate their vision, will be the white tones, so it is recommended to handle neutral colors that do not cause any kind of visual excitement, these neutral colors would be denominated by all the types of targets that exist, also light gray, light wood.

These colors or type of decoration, can be rearranged as they grow and according to the learning needs that will be presented, you can complement the room with colorful drawings or children's ornaments, but always keeping it in a calm, serene environment and that in turn can make it very fun.

Environments have a great influence on the behavior of children, making them much more active or much more calm and peaceful, the environment generated in the room under the given recommendations, will be part of a process of emotional and behavioral regulation that will lead to the little ones to discover yourself and enjoy much more of your environment.

The less you overload the room with items that may be unhelpful, much better, as babies grow up they will need more space to move around, furniture, such as cots, a changing mat and a small closet for storing clothes, will suffice for the room, without forgetting a good nursing chair, the idea is that parents also enjoy the space and can be comfortable during the time they spend there.

It is recommended not to fill the room with thousands of toys, dolls or objects that strain the environment and also not be useful, games should be at the hand of parents and children.

The walls and a good atmosphere will be fundamental for the upbringing of the children, which will allow them to develop in a peaceful and calm way, allowing the parents to reduce the stress in the different stages of upbringing, being the processes more and less peaceful.

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