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How to dress babies in winter - Jyoko

How to dress babies in winter - Jyoko

Dressing babies in winter is not so simple and more for the care that must be taken in this time. Especially for babies and newborns, since they do not adequately regulate body temperature, having difficulty in keeping warm in cold weather. This is why it is necessary to dress them properly and fairly, so that they can cope with the strong changes in temperature.

Part of the care lies in the type of clothing that is used: this should be very easy to remove and put, that do not have buttons or many seams. The bodys option is perfect because it allows to put on and take off very easily. The fibers of the clothes should be natural with a pleasant touch, soft and comfortable and absorb moisture from the skin, such as cotton, this will allow, when placing coats or blankets, the baby does not suffer from discomfort, but is comfortable with be well wrapped

To try to level the heat produced by babies with clothes and coats, it is recommended to acquire them with tissues that allow adequate transpiration, since colds also tend to occur after having sweated.

For this, it must be taken into account that there are ways in which the level of body heat can be identified, for example, the appearance of the skin must be verified, touching the neck constantly to feel its temperature level. If you touch your hands and feet are cold, there is no need to worry because this condition is normal in them, although it is best to find a way to protect their hands and feet from the cold. Remember that colds can be acquired by the feet, hands or ears, these parts are one of the most sensitive.

Using the "layer technique" is the most effective according to pediatricians. Using different layers of light clothing will allow air to circulate, isolating body heat, helping babies adapt to the degree of heat generated by the clothes they wear.

If the babies show restlessness or discomfort and their breathing changes becoming faster and faster, immediate measures should be taken, determining previously if it is cold or heat, identifying their temperature level.

When it is time to sleep it is advisable that the room is on average 20 ° to 22 °, the crib should have a sheet that fits properly to the mattress, with cool and comfortable pajamas that cover the feet, if there is no good In the room temperature it is recommended to use the baby bags that keep the face uncovered and do not need attached coats.

It is better to avoid the caps when sleeping, since babies perspire through the head and this will not be healthy for them, causing them discomfort throughout the night.

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