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First month of life. |  Baby Blog – Jyoko

First month of life. | Baby Blog – Jyoko

It is the first month of life where the baby requires the greatest care, due to its fragility, will need many attentions and parents will need to adapt to the processes and basic care at this stage.

The baby at birth will start with the mastery of crying that will allow you to develop the breathing rhythm, achieving constant and optimal, yawning are means for your respiratory system to be strengthened and developed properly, even sneezing is important and common, it is not a symptom of a cold if not a natural reaction to clear your nostrils.

In the first five days they can lose some weight and most recover it on the ninth or tenth day. It is normal that in your skin there are some purple spots, these may last for a few weeks or months but are not a cause for concern, as well as some small white spots that come out in the nose called millun, these appear because of the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the body, but these will be quickly erased.

The navel of the baby will fall between the sixth and tenth day, it is necessary in its healing processes to have it exposed to clean air or in moments of exits, cover it with dry gauze.

Also in the first month, the baby will sleep almost all day, will only wake up in short spaces to eat, will sleep approximately 16 to 20 hours a day and his sleep will be interrupted in intervals of 2 to 3 hours.

Since at this stage the vision is minimal, they recognize their mother by the smell, laying them down next to the mother's breast will allow her to feel the heartbeat feeling more secure and protected.

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