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Fever in babies is not always a cause for concern – Jyoko

Fever in babies is not always a cause for concern – Jyoko

Fever in babies should not be determined as a disease, on the contrary, it is the cause of the body's defense against an infection presented in the body against attacking a virus.

Fever is a very normal and most frequent manifestation in the first years of life, when the fever does not exceed 38ºC, it is activating the immune system so that it can manufacture white blood cells as well as antibodies to be able to attack any infection that exists in the organism.

According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), "fever defends the body against the attack of germs, where the hypothalamus acts directly, which is responsible for regulating body temperature and increase heat depending on the individual "

It is necessary that parents have implements in the home to help with the temperature, such as a thermometer suitable for children's use.

The fever usually occurs more by viral and respiratory infections, presenting symptoms that accompany it, such as congestion and cough, in the same way, it can also manifest itself because of the vaccines.

In these cases you should not have any concern in lowering fever, nor try to stabilize body heat, you should concentrate more on the discomfort it produces, such as weakness, dehydration. In the same way, be on guard so that the temperature does not increase more.

To help them, it is important that they are very well hydrated, leave them in light clothing and keep them in an environment of 22 ºC to 24 ºC, so they feel fresh. A good bath for 15 minutes with warm water will help them, but for nothing in the world you can bathe with cold water, this will only increase the symptoms and fever.

In the case of children under 2 years of age or babies from 0 to 6 months, if the fever remains 24 hours or more, the pediatrician should be consulted.

Pediatricians always recommend keeping calm, parents should understand that, in all cases, children should not be taken to the emergency room, since they may be presenting normal symptoms, if the fever remains at 38 ° C, there is no need to resort to emergencies and it does not always have to be treated with medicines.

Parents can determine the severity of symptoms according to the behavior of children in general, if they eat well and behave normally, it is not serious, they are symptoms that can be treated at home. Although it is not enough to perform a medical check to determine that everything is going well.

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