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Female entrepreneurship in times of pandemic

Female entrepreneurship in times of pandemic

Jobs are being affected across the board, but opportunities are still being created. Technological advances are making a major contribution to our daily lives.

Due to the pandemic, many sectors have had to reinvent themselves and make their way onto the Internet. We have seen how education and sports professionals, among others, have opened their channels on the Internet to reach more people without having to leave home.

Female empowerment in recent decades has led to an increase in the rate of female entrepreneurship in Spain, especially in recent years, although only 20% of startups are driven by women.

According to the studies, women undertake more out of necessity than out of opportunity. This is generally due to the lack of employment or job options that meet women’s expectations.

One of the main causes of women’s entrepreneurship out of necessity is the well-known family reconciliation. The profile of Spanish women entrepreneurs is that of a woman between 25 and 35 years of age, with a university education and, in almost half of the cases, they are mothers, so they have to combine their work with raising children. Most of them are entrepreneurs in the service sector, and among these it is worth mentioning the boom that Virtual Assistants (VA) are having.

Working as a Virtual Assistant has emerged thanks to the Internet, and they are increasingly in demand, as they are qualified professionals who provide administrative services to companies. They can perform a wide variety of tasks, in fact, the services they offer are almost infinite and depend, to a great extent, on their training, experience, skills and, of course, on what the company demands. Their main function is that of a secretary/administrator, but with the difference that they can work from home.

Being a VA does not imply knowing everything or knowing how to use all the existing tools, in fact, most of them are specialized in specific tasks. Some of these tasks that can be carried out are the following:

  • Social network management
  • Email management
  • Data entry
  • Agenda management
  • Article editing
  • Project management
  • Accounting
  • Translation
  • Marketing campaign management
  • Technical support
  • Graphic design
  • Blog management
  • Proofreading
  • Customer service

Women, as entrepreneurs and VAs, have very particular characteristics that make them leaders in their business. These traits are:

  • Analytical
  • Organized
  • Multitasking
  • Creative
  • Committed
  • Negotiators
  • Empathetic
  • Motivational
  • Resolute
  • Persevering

You may be wondering what you can do to support female entrepreneurship and empowerment. Any of these points help us all:

  • Give visibility to women who will be references for others.
  • Encourage the participation of female students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers.
  • Promote gender equality.
  • Provide support and training for women entrepreneurs.
  • Promote laws that support women’s entrepreneurship.
  • Contribute to the presence of women in decision-making bodies.
  • On social networks, like, comment and share.

Together we can make that 20% grow!

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