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Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence

Like learning, our emotions help us in a decisive way in the way we face life, through those things that we do on a daily basis and that involve aspects such as emotion, thought and action. Understanding each of them, learning to control emotions, will be essential for healthy social integration.

Emotions have a great influence on behavior, managing them intelligently helps us to be integrated and balanced people. In order to manage emotions it is important to keep them in mind, to know them. That is why childhood is perfect for learning and managing emotions, it is in childhood where the basis of self-control and emotional self-recognition begins to form.
This concept of Emotional Intelligence was unveiled thanks to Daniel Goleman considering it as "the capacity that we as human beings have to control our emotions, interpret them and also be able to respond to the emotions of others". We must also consider being able to understand others in their sadness or anger, without letting ourselves be affected, but without the empathy of understanding the other in any situation, this makes us intelligently emotional. According to psychologists, emotional intelligence can be much more important than IQ and gives more tools to have a quality life.
As we mentioned previously, childhood is the best time to form emotional intelligence, managing emotions is based on learning to recognize the different emotional changes that each child presents and the proper orientation of the parents is essential for them to understand the how to manage those emotions, this indicates the guidance on how to react to such situations.
As a basis for this teaching from parents to their children, it is necessary to understand that each emotion is valid to feel, even those that we consider negative, such as anger, anguish, frustration and their actions will be part of what they feel, it is Where the parents must intervene in front of each reaction-action, but not for the emotion presented, the children must explore what they feel in order to learn to regulate it.
If it is difficult for an adult to control emotions and more in times of pressure, this control in children can become much more difficult, since they require previous experiences to achieve the understanding of what they are feeling and this also allows generating the strategies of approach of the parents facing the emotional education of their children. It is understandable that it happens that emotional control in the little ones is non-existent and more so when they are irascible.
For the teaching of emotional intelligence, in addition to the understanding that they must have, it must be accompanied by a good discipline against the duties of the children, the commitment to what they must do daily, makes them learn about emotional intelligence, to have patience, many times you should do things that we do not like but within doing them, character is formed to face life, equipping them with skills to overcome adverse situations ..
Teaching them to control their aggressiveness and unwanted reactions is something that should definitely be worked on, making them reflect on their behavior in an objective and constructive way, so that they understand the consequences of their actions and what can have repercussions, giving them alternatives of thoughts and behaviors positive that allow emotional regulation.

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