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Curious facts in the first three months of life - Baby Blog

Curious facts in the first three months of life - Baby Blog

When the baby is born, some reflexes are manifested that are manifested more by the sense of survival that will disappear as he feels that he does not need them. These reflexes are those of, suction, grip and rotation, another presented reflection is the adaptation that the iris of your eyes acquires in the light of your surroundings.

It is at 15 days of age that you will be gaining control of your eyes, analyzing and knowing new shapes and objects nearby.

According to studies, the brain has a weight of 350gr at birth, achieving a weight gain of 60% in the first year, babies gain weight in the first three months of up to 200 grams per week, size increases by 3 cm and head circumference by month, 1-2 cm.

This is a stage where children absorb as much information as possible, the plasticity of their brain increases as the number of stimuli received daily, will be a stage where those things that did by reflection, begin to become habits, such as suction, the more habits you get, the more creation of neural networks continuously refining each action.

According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, it is shown that children achieve a higher IQ and a better vocabulary when they grow up, because of the stimuli sent by parents, manifested in constant communication, talking to them continuously produces a higher intellectual level in their babies.

Exposing children to listen to different languages ​​will make it easier for them to learn other languages ​​in the future, each stimulus sent to the baby that is pleasant for them will allow them to acquire new skills and abilities that will be manifested later on.

The neuronal development of babies, is highly active, it is at this stage where there is a massive neuronal growth, increasing the ability to learn and interact with the environment that surrounds it, the baby is easier to acquire knowledge, learn and retrieve information without any effort.

This neuronal procedure is considered as critical emotional periods, which are manifested only at times, resulting in alternating behaviors of greater physical sensitivity in babies, here they may cry for no reason or be more easily irritated by the sensitivity caused by the activation of neurons cerebral, where they demand more attention from their parents, in physical contact and love provided, this will allow stability and emotional tranquility in these types of changes.

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