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Cribs for babies – Jyoko

Cribs for babies – Jyoko

Everyone knows the importance of baby cribs as an essential part of the basic elements that must be acquired before they are born, but what is often not taken into account are those important aspects that are part of the safety and comfort of babies when acquiring them.

There are some requirements that must be met according to European regulations, characterizing in particular the materials in which they must be cast, as well as their structure and the quality of the paint. The guardrails should have a space or a distance based on a specific measurement that is approximately between 6.5 cm, this to prevent the baby from getting stuck. You should ask about the type of paint applied since some can be toxic and have a high content of lead, the cribs should have as priority a use of suitable and special paint for them.

The mattress must have a considerable distance to the edges of the crib, it is preferable that it is wave, to avoid the risk that the child will return and fall out of the crib or when standing up has the ability to get out of it.

The handrails when placing them must be stable and firm, in some cradles they can be removed and put with ease, it is important that when they are placed sufficiently firm to avoid accidents, to check it you can place your hands on the rails with a little pressure and shake them one to see how safe they can be, in the same way verify the adjustment of the screws that do not have any imperfect and that when placing them are fixed and tight.

To ensure that the cribs have the proper size, according to European regulations, the crib must have a minimum internal height of 60 cm.

There are standard cribs, classic cribs that are characterized by their good preparation that makes them more resistant and can last many years, are easy to assemble and are usually more affordable for purchase, the unfortunate thing is that their designs are not very varied and its tendency is more rustic.

Functional cribs instead allow the ease of adapting them as babies grow and even convert them into beds, the unfortunate thing here is that besides cost a little more, they can get a little harder to assemble, which generates risks before the guarantee of its stability, considering the need to hire a person from the place of purchase to assemble it adequately.

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