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Conjunctivitis in babies  - Jyoko

Conjunctivitis in babies - Jyoko

Conjunctivitis in babies is one of the most common diseases and although it causes alarm it is very easy to treat it, as long as one is cautious and takes the pertinent care so that it disappears, although it is better to have a pediatric follow-up.

Conjunctivitis is considered as the "inflammation of the membrane that protects the white part of the eye," because of an infection that developed through viral means, bacteria, or allergies caused by the environment.

Children and more babies can be vulnerable to this type of infection, which requires special care to avoid being in places where there have been cases of infection or infection.

There are different types of conjunctivitis and each of them has characteristics that differentiate them:

Viral conjunctivitis, manifested by a high sensitivity to light and apparent cold, can last from 8 to 10 days if handled carefully, is often very contagious, its means of transmission is coughing and sneezing.

The bacterial conjunctivitis, occurs as its name indicates, by means of a bacterium that must be treated urgently and by a pediatrician, otherwise it may affect the vision of children, it is usually treated with medications applied directly in the eyes, as are drops or special ointments. Its characteristics are yellow discharge in the eyes, constant irritability, it is contagious to have contact with things that have been manipulated as pillows, sheets, towels.

Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by dust, polluted air and its symptoms are watery eyes, a lot of itching and irritation, like viral conjunctivitis, will show symptoms of a cold, with the difference that it is not contagious.

Everything that could be manipulated should be cleaned, such as furniture, tables, chairs, beds, and household objects, bathrooms, disinfectants and antiseptic cleansers. Clean the air with antibacterial air fresheners. Use antibacterial soap and wash hands constantly both the small and those of caregivers.

In case of being infected, it is better to visit the pediatrician to determine what type of conjunctivitis could be acquired, following the medical instructions, in the same way it is recommended to be cleaning the eyes of the babies with preferably warm water, to remove the secretions with a different handkerchief for each eye, avoid taking them to the nursery while presenting the symptoms, wash their hands and face constantly, preferably avoid kissing or hugging them to avoid contagion, wash the bedding and towels daily but separately.

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