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Christmas as a family stimulates values in children

Christmas as a family stimulates values in children

Importance of values

The little ones who live Christmas in family promote the value of solidarity, security and unity. For example, a gift should serve to generate affective values based on giving and receiving and sharing with other children.

The ability to socialize is also encouraged. "A child who has the opportunity to have affection socializes better and is safer," says the psychologist. Even in this time the feeling of solidarity awakens. According to Marcela Ariza, "it is important to take advantage of the festivities to accompany the poor, orphans, the elderly and the sick. These moments are never forgotten and allow children to show that they can make someone happy, without having to spend too much. "

Therefore, if the child lives the traditions in a loving way, under the example of his parents, he will be able to transmit to his children the importance of living Christmas with his family.

The Christmas celebration is an opportunity for children to "strengthen their identity, esteem and worth. And it is an extraordinary opportunity that adults have to demonstrate not only with material objects, but affective, how important is the small one for them ..

Product: Baby Chair Cover White Star Jyoko

Pics: @xeniaolivia

Source: ABC del bebé.

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