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Children who misbehave only with the mother - Jyoko

Children who misbehave only with the mother - Jyoko

It is very normal for children to behave differently with their mothers than with other people, especially with the family. This is very normal and common, considering the different causes of why it happens. According to studies conducted, they reveal that this type of negative behaviors are presented more by the trust they have with her and the strong emotional bond that exists, because mothers are the maximum expression of security for children and they know that they will always be there when the need. So be with other people and have had a good time with them, mothers are the ones who deal with every emotional change, tantrum or annoyance presented and they know it, they know that at home they can be as they are and express what they want to their mode. Basically, the behavior improves with the other family members, since they tend to be more flexible with what the children ask for, the activities are usually more fun, they do not demand anything from them and they are allowed a little more. There simply are no limits or rules. It must be borne in mind that these changes or behaviors are not to annoy Mom, but because they want to say something they can not express in words, it's like saying, Mom I need you, I want to be with you, I feel confident to show what I do not I could say in another place, or anyone else, I love you, these attitudes, although they can be difficult, can become unique moments for the children, when they receive what they want and expect from their mother, that is how they are, with their mother they can be shown as they are. Children put their abilities to the test when dealing with emotions, and every day they are self-regulating what they feel and how they manifest it, it can be a good sign that at home they are different, since it exposes repressed emotions that during the day can not To express with the rest of the family or at school, this has been a form of emotional relief that can not be repressed. However, behavior must be evaluated, extreme reactions can be associated with the lack of maternal limits, becoming a problem that will not only manifest at home, but will be reflected elsewhere, as there are no rules and limits on behaviors , they adapt to them making them part of themselves and then not caring about behaving badly outside the home.

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