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Caring for a premature baby

Caring for a premature baby

More and more births of premature children, this according to the world health organization. Babies are usually born between week 37 and 42, when they are born before week 37 they are already considered premature babies.
The care that should be taken are many, including special medical care and neonatal care that are performed in units designed to meet the basic needs of the child, which are important to ensure the growth and development of the baby. The supply of heat is an important part, since their body fat is not enough to maintain an adequate body temperature, this heat is covered by the incubators to help their proper development.
Premature babies are divided into different categories:
Late premature: they are characterized by their approximate weight of 1.5 kilos and 2.5 kilos, born between 33 to 36 weeks.
Very premature: They weigh 1.5 kilos or less and their gestational age is less than 32 weeks.
Extremely premature: They are those whose gestational age is only 28 weeks.
Premature babies may have health problems because their organs are not prepared to function alone, which requires adequate procedures to help them function and develop them.
When they are at home babies also need special care, continue with medical visits, they should also have regular visits with specialists to assess the level of physical and cerebral development of the child as they grow, to have control in different areas such as language, motor skills and learning, for this you must have neurologists, pulmonologists and also ophthalmologists. Having all the required vaccinations is also an important part of the care and precautions that should be taken.
The characteristics of a premature baby are low weight, smooth and translucent skin, sucking and swallowing is weak, as is crying, low body temperature, rapid respiratory rate, ear cartilage is soft and flexible, low muscle tone, low motor coordination
Premature children are very sensitive to light and noise, they must basically have an environment like the one they had in the maternal cloister before birth, noise can cause them stress. As a recommendation to drive at home is tenuous music, classical music like Mozart's, this allows a decrease in heart rate that causes them to have a lower metabolic activity, which helps them produce greater weight gain.
Dietary needs are important to meet with breast milk, since it has proteins that help fight infections, it can be supplied in several ways since some babies have suction problems, what doctors recommend, is that the mother is remove the milk and by means of a probe be supplied to the baby.

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