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Altruism in children |  Baby Blog – Jyoko

Altruism in children | Baby Blog – Jyoko

Altruism is selfless action before the needs of other people and give without expecting anything in return.

Although children tend to have altruistic behaviors, parents and the family environment are and will be a strong influence to strengthen altruistic principles.

The school must be a fundamental piece to inculcate these values, promoting help to those who need it, focusing their feelings not only on their own well-being, but on that of others.

Promoting these values ​​at home is not so difficult, you just need to show by example how to do it, and make corrections, but tactfully, when you want to have selfish behaviors.

Affection towards them is an effective way to make children more altruistic, the affection they receive daily gives them security and they will never doubt the love that their family has for them.

Teaching them how to share in a fun way through games will be vital for them, such as involving several participants who work as a team to achieve a goal or reach a goal, promote the importance of sharing and wait turns, knowing that it is not just they. Arming puzzles with the family waiting for their turn to put the pieces, plant trees or perform some trade at home, will promote teamwork.

If the children are reluctant to share, it is important not to scold them for it, much less punish, this will only make them even more annoying to share, it is better to have a positive reinforcement before a bad action, it is not so bad that they have this type of behaviors initially, because it is normal that they have a sense of belonging to their favorite toys and find it harder to give them to others.

As time passes and these habits become habits, they will understand sharing more easily, making it part of their character, achieving in them, a personal satisfaction for being in solidarity.

Communication is important to strengthen altruism, when they fight over a toy, they should be led to understand the situation they face, helping them to express their feelings towards that situation, directing them and explaining the reason for things and first of all preparing them for Solve the problem with your friends, they will be given tools so they can solve conflicts easily and realistically, through problem solving.

One solution is to take turns with the toy, motivating the game to understand the importance of altruism and enjoy it in the process.

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