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Why my 2 year old does not speak | Baby Blog - Jyoko

Why my 2 year old does not speak | Baby Blog - Jyoko

The age at which a baby begins to speak is very relative, since this goes according to the evolution of each child, some already begin with words before the year as others do later. It is normal for children in the first months of life to babble accompanied by different sounds and accents, trying to repeat what they hear either from their parents or from what they hear in their environment.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics states that there is no specific age for them to communicate with words, but if they should be followed up on communication attempts that should be made by standard rule of age of the child.

The communication of a baby is manifested since they are born, expressing their feelings and needs in different ways such as crying, gestures, laughter, or different noises.

The two months is the babbling stage until 9 months, most likely start with one or another word, the most common being water, dad or mom but not knowing its meaning.

The implementation of gestures in the teaching of parents is vital for the development of language, it is at 10 months that they begin with the imitation of some simple gestures accompanied by some syllables for the memorization of them.

The 12 months instead is the stage to learn by imitation the words most listened to and named at home, the teaching can be accompanied by small orders so that little by little she manages to understand them, this helps to develop her capacity of listening and interpreting words by comparing them with actions you must perform.

From 17 months to 24 months, the child will gradually learn different words, where he will be able to pronounce between 20 to 40 words and in some moments with simple combinations, he should continue working sending orders but already a little more complex for the execution of the same ones in two steps, this will allow the planning and the pronunciation of words that each time will be listened in a clearer way. At the age of 2, they extend the lexicon until they pronounce sentences of four to five words.

The 3 years is an age where he already pronounces words more concrete and defined and where parents must understand the importance of communication with their children in a gestural and verbal way, this will only enrich the child with new words, sounds, accents and gestures that will cause a growth of knowledge and understanding of things, situations that revolve around them, increasing their perception of their environment and family environment.

So do not understand what he says, you must motivate and converse with the same sounds he utters to motivate him and help him to let go of his tongue. The communication between parents and children should be constant only in this way will he be able to repeat words clearly, memorizing them also visually.

Repeating the accentuated words accompanied by gestures and body movements will reinforce your learning and sense of communication.

Pic: www.onalittlebee.com 

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