There is nothing more gratifying than watching your child sleep, seeing them healthy during their rest is very reassuring, but if your little one snores there may be many things going on and you should know them right now, instead of worrying.
The reasons why your child snores can be varied, but not all are alarming; what is clear is that children improve their attitude and mental abilities when they sleep well, generally speaking a restful sleep favors their development.
Children who sleep enough and well, perform better, increase creativity, improve memory and are less likely to suffer from irritability.
Is it normal for my child to snore?
Snoring is very common in children although it may not seem so, in fact, 10% of them snore. What usually happens is that parents do not pay the necessary attention, unaware that most of the time they can say goodbye to snoring children just by modifying some behaviors in the family lifestyle
When sleeping, the whole body relaxes and if the muscles found in the neck and throat do it excessively, it can alter the place where the air passes through and generate the annoying guttural sounds or snoring.
Snoring in children may be due to different factors: the anatomy of their sinuses, inflamed adenoids or tonsils, allergies, colds, flu, overweight and even tiredness and poor sleep. Some are only temporary symptoms and of all these, the one that requires more attention is probably the obstruction caused by adenoids as they tend to become inflamed and block your child's airway causing snoring.
How to help the little one to stop snoring?
The first thing is not to despair, let's see some simple measures that will help you solve the problem.
Be attentive to all the details of children's life is essential, examine how your child sleeps since the position in which they sleep can cause snoring, it is preferable that they lie on their side, not on their back.
It will also be ideal for children to have sleeping habits and sleep the recommended hours: between 3 and 5 years old, they should sleep 10 to 13 hours; between 6 and 12 years old, they will need 9 to 11 hours of sleep a day.
What and when they eat dinner is also important, going to bed with a full belly is not at all advisable; even being overweight can produce additional fatty tissue in the neck and throat, and narrow the airways. Therefore, losing weight will help to clear them, however, thin children also suffer from it.
The importance of a good pillow is also a great ally that can help your little one take a correct position while resting and have a restful sleep the next day.
If you still do not find improvement, the ENT doctor will be best suited to give you light in the tunnel because it is likely that the small nose of your little one is being obstructed by adenoids and require treatment to desinflate or merit surgery to remove them to make your sleep is completely restful.
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