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World Adoption Day

World Adoption Day

Every November 9th is celebrated as World Adoption Day, an act of love that teaches us that there are families born from the heart.



Today we would like to share with you the story of a family that teaches us the value of love and that adoption should never be the last option.



Gustavo and David are Nora's parents, a homoparental family, who through their social networks let us know what their day to day life is like, but also give a message of hope to families who wish to adopt a boy or a girl through their posts.



Gustavo very kindly shares with us today a little bit about the adoption of little Nora. A cheerful, curious and very positive about life.



Gustavo had in his heart from a very young age the desire to adopt and that in time this would become a reality, but it was not easy. It took six years for this to happen, but he never gave up and went ahead with the national and international adoption process. After many years the international adoption process was accepted and she traveled to Vietnam with her mother, a 15 day trip that would mark her forever and start a new chapter in her life. But that was not all, he would adopt a child with special needs to be part of his family.



Gustavo tells us that making that decision was the best choice he could have made in his life, and that if he had to repeat it, he would do it again and again.



On the second day of being in Vietnam, he met Nora for the first time, a little girl who at first looked at him shyly and cried, but after a few days of being with her, and a stuffed bunny that Gustavo had given her, everything changed. The connection between father and daughter was so strong that they were already inseparable.



Gustavo, after many years waiting to be a father, travels back to Spain with Nora, and a new chapter of life begins for both of them, but without knowing that many adversities would come ahead, when adopting Nora he already knew that she had a heart condition and had been operated on since she was very young.


But when she arrived in Spain she had other pathologies that she had not been told about. As parents it hurts us to see our little ones in bad shape, and this was no exception for Gustavo, he says that he cried and felt worried about Nora's health, because for the rest of her life she would live with half of her heart working. 



David, Gustavo's partner, has been a great support and they are an example of love, hope and desire to move forward. Nora continues to grow more cheerful, smiling, eager to live and to give love to everyone!



They would like to give some advice to families who wish to adopt:



1. When you start an adoption process do not think if it is a boy or a girl, give the opportunity to a little one to be part of a family.


2. Keep in mind that there are children with special needs who also want to be adopted and many families do not take them into account.


  1.             As difficult and long as the adoption process may be, be patient, because every effort is worth it.

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