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Why not overdress a baby?

Why not overdress a baby?

Although our common sense tells us that we should add an extra coat to our baby during cold days, it may not be the best decision, as babies take a few months to regulate their temperature as we adults do. Newborns can quickly gain or lose temperature, causing excessive calorie consumption to keep warm or dehydration by wearing too much coat.

But how can we keep our baby comfortable and not cold?

The ideal is to cover them with clothing that allows them to perspire, made of natural fibers such as cotton. Apply light layers that can be removed if necessary, this is particularly useful when we will be in cold environments outdoors and later in covered and warm places. As a general rule you can apply one more layer than you wear as an adult.

Consider movement as part of the equation in making the decision to over or under wrap your little one. When children begin to move around, it is normal for their body temperature to increase and they will want to take their coat off. On the other hand, children who are not yet crawling or walking may experience more cold, it is important to consider this factor when dressing our children.

Overdressing can also lead to what is known as sudden infant death syndrome, which occurs when a child under 1 year of age dies unexpectedly and suddenly, and one of the common causes is overheating. Small children who are not yet able to control their movements may suffocate due to the amount of clothing they are wearing. Covering their face and hands with a blanket can also cause suffocation.

Another interesting fact is that we should not sit our little one in the car seat with a thick coat or slippery fabric, the reason is that in an accident this can cause the little one to slide out of the seat. It may also happen that due to the volume of the coat the fastening straps do not fit properly.

As you can see, keeping your little one out of the cold can be quite a challenge, especially during the first few months of life. The key is to find the right balance, the right garments, and to take into account your little one's age and activities. It's crucial not to overdo it, and to have the option of removing garments to gradually regulate body temperature.

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