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My son does not want to eat | Baby Blog - Jyoko

My son does not want to eat | Baby Blog - Jyoko

Appetite in children can decrease in school age, eating only in small quantities and with little regularity, it is also common for this to happen after 2 years of age.


The cause is because at this age their growth is slower, making their nutritional needs are lower and by their exploration stage they prefer to be playing than sitting eating.


The changes that they present are usually very noticeable, it is here, where they begin to recognize their taste for some foods and where their preferences vary, they can change as they try new flavors, stopping eating foods that they eat regularly, for others that maybe They did not feel like it but then they become their favorite dishes.


As their growth is not continuous, there will be times where they will have more appetite and others in which they will prefer not to eat anything and although parents may be distressed, these variations should be understood without concern.


Although it is understandable that parents are impatient to see their children refusing food with words like I do not want, I do not like it, most of the time making tantrums, it is not good to force them to eat something they do not want, this will only increase the discomfort foods.


You must have a lot of patience to get them to acquire healthy habits and respect food times at home, for this you must implement strategies so that the feeding time is pleasant and enjoyable.


An example of this is to explain that eating is key to their growth and that to get it you need to eat different foods, the routines are essential to create habits, the exact times to start and end, always with rules of behavior will allow you to adapt little to the times of feeding, yes, parents should understand that the appetite presented by children is enough to satisfy their bodily needs, where not always a larger portion is what will feed them. This is why they should be served in precise quantities according to their appetite, serve little to give them the possibility to ask for more if they want, not to force them to eat more than they require.


Although the menu can be adapted according to the tastes that are acquired, should not be changed in any way to the rejection of children, but want to receive food, the plate is removed quietly without punishing them, only leaving them without any food until the next meal, so they will sit down with more spirit and with desire to eat.

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