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What you can not miss in your vanity bag this summer

What you can not miss in your vanity bag this summer

The act of packing causes headaches for a lot of people. I got it. It can be challenging to keep track of everything that you need to bring along with you, and the last thing you want to do is forget something extremely vital while you are in a location where you cannot buy it. On top of that, it might be challenging to determine what should be brought along and what should be left behind. This is not a post about how to prevent your luggage from being overweight; it is a post about how to pack your toiletries bag, which is potentially one of the most crucial things you will bring with you on your trip. To assist you in ensuring that you do not leave anything important behind at home, I have compiled a list of the items that are usually present in the toiletries bag that I bring along with me whenever I travel. Look at it, print it out, and put it to good use while you’re getting ready for your next vacation!

The Absolute Essentials:

  • Toothbrush and dental paste, respectively
  • Brush and comb one’s hair
  • Shampoo, and possibly also conditioner
  • Do you use soap or body wash?
  • Razor \sDeodorant
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray (only if traveling in jungles, forests, or anywhere bugs might be or malaria may be present)
  • Aloe vera gel and moisturizer (travel can dry your skin right out)

Regarding Your Wallet:

  • Hand sanitizer
  • It is advisable to bring toilet paper or Kleenex with you while traveling to nations that are not known for having these items in their public facilities.
  • Eye drops (for those long-haul flights)
  • Face wipes (whether you’ve been working up a sweat, getting dirty, or sitting in one place for a long time, it’s always pleasant to wipe the grime off your face)
  • Band-aids
  • Lip balm


  • Advil Gravol (drowsy and non-drowsy)
  • Pepto-Bismol and Immodium Antibiotics Pepto-Bismol and Immodium (your travel or family doctor can prescribe this for you just in case)
  • Medications prescribed to you, such as birth control, medication for migraines, and anything else you require.

To address a Few of You:

  • Optical garb (glasses, contact lenses, contact lens solution, and case if applicable)
  • Makeup (it’s essential to keep in mind that you don’t need all of your makeup; just the essentials)
  • Products for styling the hair (try to skip the hair straightener and curling iron if you can)
  • Washing your face and using a moisturizer (for some people, face wipes and soap are enough)
  • Feminine hygiene products



It is not necessary to pack a vast toiletries bag with you on a trip that will only last for the weekend if you are going away. Having something like the Briggs & Riley Everyday Essentials Kit is sufficient. If, on the other hand, you will be traveling for a more extended period, investing in a product such as our Deluxe Hangable Kit will enable you to pack more items in an organized and space-saving manner.


Not only should you be thinking about your typical daily activities, but you should also be planning out what your schedule will be like when you are away. For instance, if you’re going skiing, you might want to bring a more potent sunscreen along with a face balm and lip balm that offer additional protection when you’re on the slopes. Camping? When you are going to be relaxing in the wilderness, there is no need to bring enough cosmetics for a photo session because you will not be taking any pictures. Make use of your common sense. You should also consider the things you can leave behind because they will be provided for you at your destination. If you’re willing to give up your go-to products, we’re talking about things like shower gel, lotion, soap, Q-tips, and even shampoo and conditioner. Get rid of those things you keep “just in case.” You always have the option to go out and purchase it at a later time if anything comes up that makes you realize you need one of those things.

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